To use the tree navigation click a branch name and select an organism from the list.
For MycoCosm, please cite:
Igor V. Grigoriev, Roman Nikitin, Sajeet Haridas, Alan Kuo, Robin Ohm, Robert Otillar, Robert Riley, Asaf Salamov, Xueling Zhao, Frank Korzeniewski, Tatyana Smirnova, Henrik Nordberg, Inna Dubchak, Igor Shabalov, MycoCosm portal: gearing up for 1000 fungal genomes, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 42, Issue D1, 1 January 2014, Pages D699?D704,
For JGI Fungal Program, please cite:
Igor V. Grigoriev, Daniel Cullen, Stephen B. Goodwin, David Hibbett, Thomas W. Jeffries, Christian P. Kubicek, Cheryl Kuske, Jon K. Magnuson, Francis Martin, Joseph W. Spatafora, Adrian Tsang & Scott E. Baker (2011) Fueling the future with fungal genomics, Mycology, 2:3, 192-209,